Finding Common Ground
So that young people thrive in school
It can be challenging, knowing how to work with your child's school, particularly if your young person isn't thriving, has educational needs or possible mental health concerns. For expert, free, impartial advice for parents and carers contact advice@findingcommonground.org.uk or text 07767142877. Over 100 families have benefited from this free service during the first year or so of the project and have given exceptionally positive feedback.
"I feel much better prepared for the next meeting that I will have with school" - feedback from parent​
The Finding Common Ground project
The Finding Common Ground project offers Independent advice and support for parents and carers to strengthen relationships with the school and enable issues to be resolved. ​ The independent advice and support to parents and carers is free so that provision is available to all who need it.
How to access advice and support
The aim is to make it as easy as possible! Either of these will work....​
Send an email to advice@findingcommonground.org.uk
Send a text to 07767142877