Firstly, an apology: This blog has been quiet recently! That is simply due to a whole range of things going on. As you may be aware, I teach part-time as that is at the core of my identity and also ensures that all the advice that I give is firmly based in the current reality in schools. Teaching has been a priority over the last couple of months.
I also do a range of other interesting work - for example, I am an assessor for the Inclusion Quality Mark - and that has been really busy recently. A number of organisations have been in contact with me about the approaches and findings of the Finding Common Ground project and that has led to some interesting discussions. So, all in all, I have had limited time to update this blog!
That all sounds like excuses, I know! My plan over the next couple of weeks is to blog about the approach that the Finding Common Ground project uses so that it can be picked up by other professionals, interested parties and parents/carers. This is part of the plan for Finding Common Ground going forward - which I will also blog about shortly. Suffice to say, I am not trying to build a personal empire; I have just found an approach which appears to benefit families and schools and therefore I would like to share it as widely as possible so that others can try the same approaches. That way, more of our most vulnerable children benefit....
More soon.
James Harris